Featured Customer: The Sweet Mac Shop
Last Updated on August 28, 2024 by Kira Andrus

Tell us a little about your company:
Our little shop makes and creates macarons in all colors and flavors. We started during the dark days of Covid, my husband’s office was closed for regular business and I was tasked to become a homeschooling mom (something I am not naturally). So I started getting creative, teaching math through baking, teaching science through reactions of ingredients. We tried a macaron recipe and had instant success. Tried it again, failure. Tries 2-9, failures. So we started manipulating the recipe and trying different variations. We got it! So we posted our success on Instagram. A friend asked if they could purchase a dozen. And then another friend, and another. We started our own page and by week 3 we were selling 20-30 dozens a week. Now we sell over 1,000 a week, expanding our menu and every week switching up our flavors.

Before school was back in session my youngest daughter mixed the batches, I would stir in the dry ingredients and pipe, and my oldest daughter would package. My son baked off the trays during the day. We truly are a family business. It’s been an incredible 6 months. We are beyond thankful for our community that supports us, and so excited to see what the future holds!!
What makes your product unique?
Our flavors and colors truly are what set us apart and give us the unique look and feel in the macaron community.

How do you package your products and what ClearBagsⓇ products do you use?
We only package our product in the crystal clear bags. We use several products, and are excited to try more. The current bags we use are:
FGCC14, we use these for our cactus macarons.
GB12, we use these for our ½ dozen packs.
FCB3, we pack our dozens in these bags.
GB11, our ombré color packs go in these bags.

Where do you sell your products?
We sell our product locally through Instagram and in several pop up shops in our area.

How long have you been working with ClearBagsⓇ and how does ClearBagsⓇ help you succeed?
We have used ClearBags for years for different items, which is how we knew about your company. Since day one our product has been packaged in your bags, and I am sure that’s been part of our success. The crystal clear bags have allowed our colors to shine. And the packaging is unique to our product. We love that ClearBags literally helps us think outside the box.

What one piece of packaging advice would you give to other business owners?
Don’t be afraid to be different. Your packaging is the first thing the consumer sees, make sure it’s a clear representation of your product.

How can people connect with you?
We love to connect through Instagram @thesweetmacshop
Or through email [email protected]