Featured Customer: Ellie Mae’s Kitchen

Last Updated on September 2, 2022 by ClearBags User

Tell us a little about your company:

Our business was inspired by my daughter Lila and her rescue dog, Ellie, who was adopted from a kill shelter in North Carolina in 2018.  Lila, who enjoys baking, wanted to start selling dog treats to raise money for animal welfare in our community. She dedicates a portion of profits to feeding and providing vet care for stray animals in our community.

What makes your product unique?

Our human-grade dog treats are lovingly handmade with wholesome, natural ingredients, providing healthy treats  while raising money for animal welfare in our local community.

How do you package your products and what ClearBagsⓇ products do you use?

We package our treats in Kraft Eco Stand Up Pouches.  We love that they seal securely and also have a window so customers can view our product.

Where do you sell your products?

We sell our dog treats at Poppyseed Provisions in Winston-Salem, NC and online at www.ellie-maes-kitchen.com

How long have you been working with ClearBags and how does ClearBags help you succeed?

We’ve been using ClearBags for about a year, and we love that they are inline with our sustainability goals while also offering high quality products at a reasonable price.

What one piece of packaging advice would you give to other business owners?

Stay true to your brand and invest in quality packaging.

How can people connect with you?

Online: www.ellie-maes-kitchen.com

Instagram: @ellie.maes.kitchen

Facebook: Ellie Mae’s Kitchen

Email: [email protected]