Featured Customer: NatureTats Temporary Tattoos
Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by ClearBags User

Tell us a little about your company
NatureTats creates wearable art inspired by nature! Our intricately designed temporary tattoos are hand-drawn by Austin, Texas artist Allison Wilcoxen.

How do you package your products and what ClearBagsⓇ products do you use?
We use ClearBags to individually package our temporary tattoos, then we staple our custom paper hang tag label to the top.
Where do you sell your products?
We sell our products wholesale, and on www.naturetats.com and Etsy.

How long have you been working with ClearBags and how does ClearBags help you succeed?
We’ve been working with ClearBags for a few years. Before, we were randomly sourcing bags from whatever websites had our size in stock, but ClearBags is now a reliable source for us. We can get the custom sizes that we need, and know that the price is reasonable, and quality is consistent.
What one piece of packaging advice would you give to other business owners?
Our advice for business owners would be to make sure that their packaging highlights the product and doesn’t overpower it. Make your brand visible and use colors, materials and textures that get people curious about what you’re offering. Keep it simple and relevant!

How can people connect with you?
Find us at www.naturetats.com and instagram.com/naturetats
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